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 Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya

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Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 1:53 am

Sombra og Zarya stod et stykke fra fodboldbanen hvor cheerleaderne var i færd med at gøre klar til at træne. Sombra så mod Zarya "you ready?" spurgte hun
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 1:54 am

Zarya rettede sig op og tog en dyb indånding ... dette ville blive svært, men det var nødvendigt, "Da .. det er jeg!"
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 1:55 am

Sombra smilede "good, that's the spirit" sagde hun tilfreds og tog hendes hånd "så husk, we are deeply in love and we are there to talk to Am"
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:01 am

Zarya rødmede og ignorerede den sitren der gik gennem hende ved kontakten, "Da. Ikke se på Jessica, snakke til Jessica eller om Jessica"
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:02 am

"Nej, ikke medmindre Jessica henvender sig" sagde hun med et smil "og hvis hun gør, keep it cool"
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:06 am

Zarya nikkede og rødmede lidt ved tanken, "hrm ... da .. jeg skal prøve"
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:07 am

Sombra smilede lidt af stakkels Zarya.. "you're doing fine" lovede hun og gav hendes hånd et opmuntrende klem.. så gik hun afsted!
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:12 am

Zarya rødmede og klemte hendes hånd tilbage, "hrm .. i hope" sukkede hun og gik med
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:15 am

Sombra smilede skævt og de kom over til cheerleaderne! Amélie stod med de andre og så imod dem med et hævet øjenbryn. Så de var stadig igang med den plan.

"Hey Am" kaldte Sombra med et skævt smil

Cheerleaderne så lidt nysgerrigt på Zarya og Sombra?
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:18 am

Zarya brummede og løftede den frie hånd og vinkede til Amélie, så var planen i gang ..Ikke kigge på Jessica!
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 2:20 am

"Sombra, Zarya." hilste Amélie og nikkede kort til dem

"How's training going?" spurgte Sombra og lænede sig casually op af Zarya!

Jessica så på dem med et hævet øjenbryn. Hun så på Zarya -.o
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 12:49 pm

Zarya rødmede og lagde prøvende en arm om Olivia, nu hun stod sådan helt op af hende, så nikkede hun til Amélie som hilsen og gjorde sit bedste for at se ud som om det var derfor hun var der, og at hun var meget interesseret i, hvad Amélie svarede.
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 3:30 pm

Amélie så på dem "fint." svarede hun

"Got any new cheers for us to hear?" spurgte Sombra med et grin

Amélie hævede et øjenbryn af hende "no." svarede hun kort

Jessica gik hen til dem "oh hej Zarya" hilste hun casually!
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:17 pm

Zarya kom til at grine lidt af Sombra .. der jo var sjov .. det hjalp lidt på hendes nerver ..... de kom så alle sammen tilbage med fornyet styrke, da Jessica henvendte sig til hende. Zarya rødmede og prøvede at se casually mod Jessica, "Ah .. hey Jessica" brummede hun
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:19 pm

Sombra så på Jessica og prøvede ikke at smile. Anything can be hacked.. and everyone!

Jessica noterede sig tilfreds at Zarya rødmede og hun rettede lidt på sin top så hendes bryster blev fremhævet "jeg vidste ikke dig og Amélie var venner?" sagde hun casually

Amélie skulede mod Jessica....... hvis hun endte med at date Zarya, ville hun aldrig høre Sombra holde op med at hovere.
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:21 pm

Zarya brummede lidt overraskede og prøvede bestemt at holde blikket på Jessicas ansigt .. Sombras tilstedeværelse gjorde det nemmere .. det skærpede hendes koncentration! "Hrm .. Da, vi deler værelse" informerede hun Jessica
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:24 pm

"Ah, det er da også rigtigt" sagde Jessica og nikkede "og Amélies lille ven... Viola?"

"Olivia." rettede Sombra og flippede dramatisk sit hår

Amélie så på Jessica der godt vidste hvad Sombra hed.
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:26 pm

Zarya brummede lidt og rynkede brynene en smule, "Da" sagde hun og trak Olivia lidt tættere ind mod sig, "Olivia"
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:28 pm

Sombra rødmede svagt og så op på Zarya "thanks babe.. I think it's the hair that throws people off" løj hun, nu skulle de jo heller ikke direkte fornærme denne Jessica.

Jessica hævede et øjenbryn lidt af dem og nikkede "nå, vi skal igang med træningen Amélie. Du må snakke videre bagefter."

Amélie vendte øjne, var det hende der stod og snakkede?
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:31 pm

Zarya brummede og kom til at grine lidt, "Hrm .. det er meget bemærkelsesværdigt" gav hun Olivia ret og så lidt mod Jessica

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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:36 pm

Sombra smilede skævt til hende "yeah?" spurgte hun tilfreds "in the best way, eh?"

Jessica hævede et øjenbryn af dem..
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:37 pm

Zarya brummede enigt og kom til at smile lidt, "Da" sagde hun, mens hun prøvede ikke at se mod Jessica, "The very best"
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:42 pm

Sombra smilede tilfreds... Zarya gjorde det godt "hm, your hair is lovely too cariño~"

Jessica hævede et øjenbryn... og så på dem, det var da et sødt forsøg
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Antal indlæg : 702

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:44 pm

Zarya rødmede svagt og smilte tilfredst, "Da" sagde hun og nikkede, "It is"
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Antal indlæg : 729

Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitimeSøn Mar 18, 2018 4:47 pm

"Vi ses Zarya" sagde Jessica og gav Zaryas arm et kærligt klem inden hun gik over til sit hold "kom Amélie"

Amélie rystede kort på hovedet og fulgte med

Sombra fulgte hende med øjnene da hun gik..
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Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya   Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya Icon_minitime

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Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya
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