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 You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya

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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 1:59 am

Zarya rynkede brynene lidt og brummede, "Hrm .. men hvis de hellere vil have den og jeg ikke er sikker .. jeg ville nok tage en andenkage" sagde hun tænksomt
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:00 am

"Ah well, i piger som Jessicas verden? Så er halvdelen af at finde ud af hvem man dater, at se hvem andre vil have. The one everyone wants? That's the one you try to get" sagde hun og nikkede

"Now, that is correct." sagde Amélie enigt. Det var any cheerleader in their horrible school.
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:01 am

Zarya rynkede brynene og så undersøgende på hende, "Hrm .. er du sikker?" spurgte hun, lidt mistroisk ....
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:02 am

"Ja." sagde hun og smilede tilfreds "that's your foot in. Once you're in, you'll just have to charm her" hun nikkede
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:04 am

Zarya tøvede lidt, "Hrm .. så .." hun rynkede brynene, ".. hvordan bliver jeg den folk vil have?"
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:05 am

"Easy" sagde Sombra med et tilfreds smil "you start dating someone else"
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:06 am

Zarya rynkede brynene, "Hrm .. det ville være uærligt ... ikke mindst overfor personen jeg skulle datr"
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:07 am

Sombra rystede på hovedet "fake dating my dear Zaryanova, fake dating!"

"..." Amélie så på Sombra
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:18 am

Zarya blinkede overraskede og rynkede så brynene, "... du mener, lade som om jeg dater nogen?" spurgte hun, en smule chokeret
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:23 am

"Yeah" sagde hun med et grin "you know, get someone you pretend to date, show everyone what an awesome girlfriend you'd be, make Jessica green with jalousi and then she'll be putty in your hands" hun nikkede "easy."
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:37 am

Zarya rødmede og brummede, "... og det tror du kunne virke?" Spurgte hun, en blanding af skeptisk og forhåbningsfuld
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:41 am

"yeah I think it would" sagde hun og nikkede "if it doesn't, I don't think she'll be interested"
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:44 am

Zarya nikkede bestemt, "Så er det værd at prøve" sagde hun bestemt .. og rynkede så brynene, ".. hvor finder jeg en fake date?"
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:46 am

Sombra smilede skævt og hoppede op fra sengen. Hun rakte Zarya sin hånd "Olivia Colomar, master schemer at your service"
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:52 am

Zarya tog lidt forvirret hendes hånd og rynkede brynene lidt, "hrm .. Kan du finde nogen, eller .. vent, mener du ...?"
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 2:53 am

Sombra smilede tilfreds "I'll be the best fake date you've ever had" hun blinkede til hende

Amélie sukkede "endnu et projekt?" spurgte hun og så på Sombra... som da også havde snakket varmt om Zaryas udseende mere end en gang.
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 1:54 pm

Zarya rødmede svagt og tøvede, "hrm ... og du er sikker på det kan virke?" Spurgte hun, stadig lidt skeptisk
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 4:52 pm

"Hm, Olivia might not be charming enough, no?" spurgte Amélie

Sombra så mod Amélie og fnøs "I am plenty charming!"
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 4:54 pm

Zarya brummede og så undersøgende på Olivia, "Hrm, net .. Jeg tror hun ville være charmerende nok" vurderede hun bestemt. Olivia så godt nok ud til at gøre de fleste jaloux
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 4:56 pm

Sombra sendte Zarya et tilfreds og lidt smigret smil "see? It'll be great. Good thing, if it doesn't work? Ingen tabt ansigt."

Amélie rystede svagt på hovedet af dem. "Hun kan ikke være det arbejde værd."
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 5:00 pm

Zarya brummede uenigt og nikkede til Amélie, "Det er hun" sagde hun meget bestemt og nikkede så til Sombra, "Da .. det er en god plan" sagde hun og nikkede igen, mere for at overbevise sig selv
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 5:01 pm

Sombra smilee skævt "cool, well then, så skal vi bare have lagt en plan, du får lige mit nummer" hun skrev sit nummer ned på en lap papir!

Amélie læste...
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 5:04 pm

Zarya nikkede og fandt noget papir hun selv kunne skrive på. "Du må også hellere få mit" sagde hun og tøvede lidt, ".. Hvordan sikre vi os, at hun finder ud af det?"
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Antal indlæg : 729

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 5:05 pm

Sombra smilede ret tilfreds "we'll show her."

Amélie så på dem..
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Antal indlæg : 702

You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFre Mar 16, 2018 5:08 pm

Zarya brummede og nikkede lidt .. så rynkede hun brynene, "Hrm .. men, risikere vi ikke hun bliver mindre interesseret, når jeg er optaget?"
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You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya   You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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You gotta show her what you're worth! - Zarya
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» Gangen - Zarya
» Oh hey Jessica *casually hair flip* didn't see you there - Zarya

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